
Donations through this website are accepted through Paypal. We are a 501(c)6 organization. This status enables us to use your donation for lobbying purposes, but is not tax deductible. You can also make this a recurring, monthly donation.

To pay by check, please make checks payable to Georgia State NACPM Chapter Inc, and mail to 1506 Blackspruce Ct, Lilburn, GA

Provide Better Birth Options for Georgia Families

Certified Professional Midwives provide families with evidence-based care in the unique setting of the family home. We are mobile health care providers that work one-on-one with mothers and babies in a state that currently experiences a massive shortage of obstetrical providers. We believe that healthy birth experiences make healthy families, and healthy families create a healthier world! Midwives help people out! If you were helped by a midwife, consider donating today toward efforts to ensure everyone gets the option of a CPM! These efforts include: Mentoring tomorrow’s CPMs and educating about CPM training and excellent outcomes. Your donation could help secure your daughter’s access to community birth with a CPM.

Legislative Efforts

Georgia’s Certified Professional Midwives are working daily to demand licensure in the state of Georgia. We do much of the lobbying ourselves, and at times utilize a professional lobbyist. We need funds to pay for the lobbyist, create educational materials to hand to legislators, and cover the other expenses occurred as we travel weekly (and sometimes daily) to the Georgia State Capitol.

See legislative updates for news on our current bill. It is being presented to Georgia’s Legislators now! We need your help in getting it to the finish line!

Student Trainings

Part of ensuring a diverse midwifery force involves eliminating obstacles to becoming a midwife. Refusing to engage in hierarchal attitudes of privilege, we maintain that community midwifery training events should be free of charge so that anyone that desires to be a midwife can come. This functions as an opportunity for students to gain apprenticeship opportunities and additional skills that may not be available at their clinical placement.