Georgia Saves Moms Act SB111, new for 2021!

Georgia mothers are dying.

Georgia mothers are dying.

Georgia mothers are dying.

How many times do we have to say it, shout it, scream it?

Georgia loses more mothers than any other state. A black woman in Georgia is 4 times more likely to die as a result of her pregnancy or birth. Far beyond the issue of insurance reimbursement or licensure is the fact that black mothers in Georgia face a death sentence. Many are afraid to even get pregnant.

Studies show that access to midwifery care is effective in lowering overall maternal mortality. Studies also show that black women are more likely to have a good outcome and positive experience when they have access to black midwives.

“Two bills introduced the Georgia Legislature last year sought to license direct-entry midwives, but they stalled after laying bare the deep divisions within the profession along racial and educational lines. Stakeholders believe a compromise is in sight, but they face fierce pushback from powerful doctors groups…” from the Atlanta Journal Constitution article referenced below.

Did you catch the powerful article in the AJC, “Black midwives carry on traditions but fight for legitimacy in Georgia” ? If not, stop what you are doing right now and read it! This article details the rich history of midwifery in Georgia and the persistent eradication of the black grand midwives who so carefully and skillfully watched over Georgia moms. You can read about the “rebirth” of midwife in the 1970s that brought new growth to the midwifery profession. That growth has been primarily of white midwives, who potentially make up 98% of the certified professional midwife population (our certifying body does not collect racial information, so this is an estimate).


Black midwives matter

Catch the history of midwifery and a hint at our collaborative efforts to promote licensure for all midwives in Georgia in this AJC article!

SB111 is a true collaborative effort where all midwives got a seat at the table.

NACPM Georgia is proud to support SB111, as part of the Georgia Saves Moms Acts, a unified effort for licensure for community midwives in Georgia, including Certified Professional Midwives.

This set of bills recognizes that community-based organizations and the growth and diversification of the perinatal workforce are desperately needed to increase access to care for Georgia’s moms. This act gets to the roots of Georgia’s atrocious maternal mortality and the unconscionable burden Black families carry as a result of a long history of systemic racism to address social determinants of health. Georgia’s maternity care system has failed BIPOC birthing people and adding midwives to the work force can correct this so that families can receive respect and safe care.

You can read the new bill here. SB111 provides for access to licensure for a diverse set of midwives, including CPMs but also other types of community midwives.

Georgia Saves Moms Act SB111.png


The first thing we need to do is let Governor Kemp know how much Georgia needs Community Midwives to be free from prosecution as they continue to serve clients during COVID. More than ever, families are turning to the out of hospital midwives in search of home births.

Talking points you can reference:

* Black Maternal Health and desire to survive birth.(see above!)

* Covid and the search for homebirth midwives.

* Desiring a homebirth because of new hospital protocols that are not evidence-based.

* Want to take the burden of potential prosecution off their midwife.

Contact for the Governor's office:

Attention:Governor Kemp

206 Washington Street
Suite 203, State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334

OR email the letter to and we can print it and mail it in for you! Please do this TODAY!

Melissa Burgess